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Our current turn around time for Adult ADHD Formal Assessment and Diagnosis by a psychiatrist is 1-4 weeks from the date of our referral.


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Our clinic doctor has ADHD psychiatrist referral appointments available on Friday 21st February between 2pm and 7pm.

Our clinic doctor can manage your ADHD medications and co-prescribe with your psychiatrist.
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Let’s talkADHD

The ADHD Clinic recognises that it's not enough to get a formal ADHD diagnosis and then simply be sent home with a prescription for medication. Adults who have been recently been diagnosed with ADHD need ongoing mental and physical support from a dedicated health care team.


ADHD medication will help in most cases, but there's a lot more that requires attention. That's where we come in. We support you right through your ADHD journey, answering your questions, identifying co-morbidities, lifestyle issues and anything else that might be contributing to your symptoms.  We offer a range of therapeutic and medical support, including our unique 'ADHD Plus + Assessment' to help you become the best version of you and manage your ADHD in a positive way. 

We've recently added AI Aldric to our team. If you have questions about our clinic, you can chat with Aldric, who will help you. We're currently training Aldric to best answer your queries, so remember that AI can make mistakes when in training. Find Aldric in the lower part of our website. 

How we can help you

Discovery Session to answer your questions about ADHD. ​


Navigate a Provisional ADHD diagnosis.


Check for common ADHD co-morbidities such as depression, anxiety, OCD and trauma/PTSD, and manage these at the clinic.


Arrange for appropriate blood screening testing and other physical tests as necessary.​


Provide a referral so that you can see a psychiatrist for formal diagnosis.


Manage your ADHD medications and co-prescribe with your psychiatrist.


We offer extensive general mental health and ADHD counselling.​


We are a nationally recognised NDIS Registered Provider Therapeutic Support.


Booking Options

Solutions for Adult ADHD
and General Mental Health
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We have several options for you to choose from.


We think that the best way to start is with our Discovery Session. A one hour appointment with the clinic's counsellor. In this session, we'll discuss your ADHD needs and devise a plan to move forward. Alternatively, you can book a general mental health counselling session, or just book to get a referral to see a psychiatrist with our doctor.

It's Your Choice.


In-person or Telehealth

Ages 12+

  • One hour Discovery Session.

  • One hour ADHD Counselling & Coaching 12+

  • One hour General Mental Health Counselling 12+

  • NDIS Therapeutic Support Session


$145 per hour for counselling (no rebates available).

$155 per hour for NDIS Counselling.


ADHD Assessment Choices

Psychiatrist Referral

18+ Years.

First Visit. AMA Level C: $198.00. Medicare Rebate $82.90


Subsequent Visit <20 min AMA level B: Cost $108.00. Rebate $42.85

ADHD Provisional Assessment

18+ Years

The ADHD Provisional Assessment consists of a 90 minute appointment with our clinic counsellor either in-person or via Telehealth. You'll work through several validated ADHD questionnaires.


An appointment will then be made for you to see the clinic doctor for a one hour appointment. In this time you will receive your preliminary assessment. Our doctor will then refer you an ADHD psychiatrist for a formal diagnosis if indicated.


ADHD 90 minute assessment appointment with our Counsellor $300.00. No rebate available.

One hour appointment with the clinic doctor for results and referral  $300.00. 

Analysis of school reports and existing medical reports. Free.


Fees: $600 Medicare Rebate available $122.15.


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18+ years

The ADHD Plus + Assessment is unique to our clinic. You will see both a counsellor and doctor for the following assessments in one package. This ensures that any co-morbidities associated with ADHD that might be impacting you are also assessed. We'll also undertake appropriate blood screening tests, and refer you to a psychiatrist for a formal diagnosis where necessary. You'll undertake appointments with both our clinic counsellor and doctor. Our clinic does not prescribe ADHD medication.

ADHD Provisional Assessment Testing.

Assessment for co-morbidities such as depression & anxiety.

Appropriate blood tests and ECG where necessary.

Referral to a psychiatrist for formal diagnosis.

Option of ongoing share-care for management of medication once diagnosed by a psychiatrist.


2 x 1 hour appointments with the clinic counsellor.

2 appointments with the clinic doctor.


School report and existing medical report analysis

Referral to Psychiatrist as necessary


Fee: $850.00

Medicare Rebate: $165.00



In-person or via Telehealth worldwide.

What is an ADHD Provisional Assessment?

Mostly, only psychiatrists in Australia can formally diagnose and prescribe medication for Adult ADHD. In Queensland, GPs can diagnose ADHD and initiate stimulant medication prescriptions for 4–18-year-olds; in NSW, GPs can diagnose and initiate prescription for 6–18-year-olds with permission from the state Ministry of Health.


Our clinic counsellor and GP can undertake a range of formal Adult ADHD testing assessments and if they indicate ADHD, we can refer you to a psychiatrist. Our GP services offer Medicare Rebates. We can write Mental Health Care Plans as necessary, but cannot accept them at this stage. We can prescribe ADHD medication once a permit has been issued.


We can also identify co-morbidities such as anxiety, depression and OCD, and medically manage them, including with medications.


Whilst you are waiting for your psychiatrist's appointment, we can continue to manage your symptoms through our clinic services. This means that if you choose to see a psychiatrist who has a long wait time and not one of our preferred psychiatrists, you have access to our clinic GP and Counsellor during this time.








We offer professional counselling for a wide range of mental health challenges ages 12+


  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • School Refusal

  • Trauma


  • OCD

  • Grief

  • ODD

    and more.





Meet the Team

​Juliette Cavendish

Juliette Cavendish

Juliette is the Director and Founder of The ADHD Clinic Pty Ltd. An ADHD clinic based in Ballarat Australia that aims to change the way that ADHD is managed.


As an ADHD Researcher, Juliette is interested in how our lifestyle choices affect our ADHD and general mental health. She will be undertaking PhD research in 2025 to further investigate the relationship between inflammation, diet and ADHD symptoms.


Juliette is a national advocate for better late diagnosis management, especially for women.


'There are current inadequacies in the management of ADHD in Australia and around the globe. We often have exceptionally long wait times for people seeking assessments and medication. Our clinic hopes to address some of these issues and create a new model of ADHD management and care.


The clinic has integrated a medical doctor to oversee ADHD assessments as well as undertake general health checks, with the aim of integrating general wellbeing into an ADHD management plan for our clients. Part of our clinic work addresses lifestyle choices and their relationship to ADHD symptoms and management.


The clinic is also excited to be launching a global ADHD App in 2025 that aims to help people better manage their ADHD.


We want people to feel empowered to help themselves, better manage their ADHD and understand how it can affect them.'​


Juliette, through therapeutic support will help you to recognise your ADHD moments and how to better manage your ADHD whether you are medicated or not. She helps you to look at your mental health in context, and will share therapeutic strategies so that you have the opportunity to feel better, and keep your life on track.


The clinic also offers general mental health counselling, 12+ youth counselling, and is an NDIS Registered Provider. 


Additionally, it offers Workplace ADHD Training and ADHD Teacher Training Webinars.



  • PhD Research Candidate: ADHD.

  • Masters in Counselling: Torrens University. High Distinction.

  • Diploma in Counselling: Institute of Applied Psychology Sydney.

  • Masters in Educational Research: Charles Sturt University. Distinction.

  • Bachelor of Education: Sydney University. Conservatorium of Music.

  • Certificate in ADHD: Research and Practice Kings College London.

  • Certificate in Clinical Application of Neuroscience (ADHD) Mental Health Academy.

  • Teaching Certificate: NSW Dept Ed.

  • Certificate in Meditation.

  • PhD: Institute of Metaphysical Humanistic Science. (Non academic US based) IHMS. High Distinction.

  • Certificate in Indigenous Education Reconciliation: British Columbia. ​

  • Certificate in Astrophysics ANU.

  • Certificates in NLP, Coaching & Yoga. ​​

  • Registered Counsellor Australian Counselling Association.

  • Registered Educator: Victorian Institute of Teaching &

  • The Queensland College of Teachers

  • Australasian ADHD Professionals Association

  • Member, World Federation of ADHD​​

Juliette Cavendish Director The ADHD Clinic

Dr Marcus Wilcox 
MBBS, FRACGP (Rural Generalist), Emergency Medicine Advanced Diploma (ACEM), Member Australian Medical Association (AMA)

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Dr Marcus Wilcox is The ADHD clinical doctor and also works as an emergency department doctor. He is a Rural Generalist with extensive experience in Emergency Medicine and First Nations Health. He holds a special interest in clinical psychiatry including ADHD assessments, provisional diagnoses and can offer referrals to adult psychiatrists for further assessment and a formal diagnosis if appropriate. Dr Wilcox can co-manage patients who have been commenced on psycho-stimulant medications by their psychiatrists.


'Despite having a health system that is the envy of the world, we see so many people suffering with untreated ADHD, a condition which is poorly understood in the community and in much of the health sector. We can help guide patients through the necessary pathways of provisional assessment, referral to a psychiatrist and ongoing care"

Social Media


How to find our clinic

​We are conveniently located at ​112 Drummond Street North, Ballarat.


Our clinic is located opposite St John of God Hospital.


There is a bus stop that runs to Ballarat Station outside 112 Drummond Street North.

Walking from the station takes approximately 15 minutes.


There is no on-site parking but Drummond Street offers free one hour metered parking.


Webster Street which is close by, offers free parking.


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Social Media

The ADHD Clinic is launching our social media platforms in 2025.

Join us Youtube for videos about ADHD, Better Mental Health & Relationships. Topics for 2025 include

ADHD & Diet, Late Diagnosis, Self-Care and more.


YouTube Logo
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ADHD & Diet The ADHD Clinic Pty Ltd

Let's just put this out there.


If your diet is poor then you are not going to feel at your best. Junk food, high sugar intake and excessive alcohol consumption can make you feel irritable, weighed down and affect your mental clarity and sleep.


Not all of your symptoms are related to ADHD.


Some could be because you just aren't making great food choices. 


Learn about your diet and how it can make your ADHD symptoms worse. 


Choose Better. Feel Better.


We are not a mental health crisis service

If you need immediate help, please call -

Lifeline 13 11 14
Domestic Violence 1800 737 732
Police-Ambulance-Fire Australia 000

Other Supports

The Orange Door Ballarat 
21 Armstrong St N
Ballarat Central VIC 3350
1800 219 819

Headspace Ballarat
28 Camp Street
Ballarat Central
(03) 5304 4777

Ballarat Base Hospital
(03) 5320 4000

St John of God Hospital
(03) 5320 2111

If you feel you require medical safety and are in Ballarat, please visit the
emergency department at Ballarat Base Hospital and report to staff.

Ballarat Police Station
20 Dana Street Ballarat Central
(03) 5336 6000

Eureka Medical Centre.
(03) 5309 1111





​Ask 'Aldric' our AI Chat bot any questions about the clinic.


Email us: â€‹


Phone us: 0407 883 883 and leave a message.


You can book your first appointment online with us.




Privacy Policy Last updated – 10/02/2025 Our privacy policy is revised regularly according to OAIC legislation The ADHD Clinic Pty Ltd is committed to ensuring your personal information is professionally managed in accordance with all Australian Privacy Principles (APPs). This privacy policy is to provide information to you, our client on how your personal information (which includes your health information) is collected and used within our clinic, and the circumstances in which we share it with third parties. What personal information we collect and why when you register as a client of our clinic, we will need to collect your personal information so that we can provide you with the best possible healthcare services. We also use this information for directly related business activities, such as financial claims and payments, practice audits, accreditation and normal business processes. The personal information we collect and hold generally includes: 1.Your name, address, date of birth, contact details. 2.Information about your health condition, medical history, social and family history, risk factors, medications, allergies, adverse events, immunisations and treatment you may have already received. 3.Medicare number or DVA number for identification and claiming purposes and Private Health Fund details. Only clinic staff who need to see your personal information will have access to it. All staff sign a Confidentiality Agreement as part of their Employment Contract with us. How we collect your personal information. Our clinic will collect your personal information: Directly and in person, over the phone, by email, SMS, social media, through our website or by completing our online or hard copy forms. When you make your first appointment, our staff will collect your personal and demographic information via your registration. If it is not possible to collect it from you directly, we may also collect this information from: 1.Your guardian or responsible person. 2. Other involved healthcare providers such as specialists, allied health professionals, hospitals, community health services and pathology and diagnostic imaging services 3.Your Private Health Fund, Medicare or DVA. Who we share your personal information with and when 1.Other healthcare providers as necessary and required. 2.Third parties who work with our clinic for business purposes (such as IT providers and accreditation agencies) 3.Statutory requirement to lawfully share certain personal information, such as mandatory notification. 4.Court subpoenas required or authorised by law 5.When necessary to lessen or prevent a serious threat to a patient’s/client’s life, health or safety or public health or safety, or it is impractical to obtain their consent. 6.During the course of providing medical services through Electronic Transfer of Prescriptions or My Health Record system. Our clinic will not use your personal information for marketing any of our goods or services directly to you without your express consent. If you do consent, you may opt-out of direct marketing at any time by notifying our practice in writing. Only those people that need to access your personal information will be able to do so. Other than in the course of providing medical services or as otherwise described in this policy, our clinic will not share personal information with any third party without your consent. We will not share your personal information with anyone outside Australia (unless under exceptional circumstances that are permitted by law) without your consent. HOW WE STORE AND PROTECT YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION Your personal information may be stored at our clinic as paper records, and electronic records. Our clinic stores all personal information securely, and has strict protocols and policies to ensure your personal information is protected from misuse, loss, interference or unauthorised access: Electronic format is encrypted and password protected. Hard copy records and information is stored in secure locked cabinets. All staff must sign confidentiality agreements prior to commencing work with and for our clinic. HOW YOU CAN ACCESS AND CORRECT YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION AT OUR PRACTICE Our clinic will take reasonable steps to correct your personal information where the information is not accurate or up to date. We will ask you at different times, to verify your information held by our clinic is correct and up to date. You have the right to access and correct personal information that we hold about you, in electronic or hard copy format. If you wish to access or correct your personal information we request that you put it in writing and contact the clinic by email. Your request for access and/or correction will be processed within 30 days. While we do not charge an application or processing fee, you may be charged administration, photocopying or other fees to reasonably cover our costs in fulfilling your request. HOW YOU CAN LODGE A PRIVACY RELATED COMPLAINT AND HOW IT WILL BE HANDLED AT OUR PRACTICE If you have any concerns about your privacy or wish to make a complaint about a privacy breach, contact our clinic. You should provide us with sufficient details regarding your complaint together with any supporting information. We will take steps to investigate the issue and will notify you in writing of the outcome within 30 days from the receipt date of original written complaint. If you are not satisfied with our response, you can contact us directly to discuss your further concerns, or lodge a complaint with the Australian Information Commissioner at or by calling 1300 363 992. POLICY REVIEW STATEMENT This privacy policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure it is in accordance with any changes that may occur. We will notify our clients of these changes via our website and our handout hard copy Privacy Policy available at our clinic premises.

How we store and protect your personal information. Your personal information may be stored at our clinic as paper records and electronic records. Our clinic stores all personal information securely, and has strict protocols and policies to ensure your personal information is protected from misuse, loss, interference or unauthorised access. Electronic format is encrypted and password protected. Hard copy records and information is stored in secure locked cabinets. All staff must sign confidentiality agreements prior to commencing work with and for our clinic. How you can access and correct your personal information at our practice. Our clinic will take reasonable steps to correct your personal information where the information is not accurate or up to date. We will ask you at different times, to verify your information held by our practice is correct and up to date. You have the right to access and correct personal information that we hold about you, in electronic or hard copy format. If you wish to access or correct your personal information we request that you put it in writing and contact us. Your request for access and/or correction will be processed within 30 days. While we do not charge an application or processing fee, you may be charged administration, photocopying or other fees to reasonably cover our costs in fulfilling your request. How you can lodge a privacy related complaint and how it will be handled at our Clinic. If you have any concerns about your privacy or wish to make a complaint about a privacy breach, contact us in writing through our email. You should provide us with sufficient details regarding your complaint together with any supporting information. We will take steps to investigate the issue and will notify you in writing of the outcome within 30 days from the receipt date of original written complaint. If you are not satisfied with our response, you can contact us directly to discuss your further concerns, or lodge a complaint with the Australian Information Commissioner at or by calling 1300 363 992. Policy review statement. This privacy policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure it is in accordance with any changes that may occur. We will notify our clients of these changes via our website and our handout hard copy Privacy Policy available at our practice premises.

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©2025 by The ADHD Clinic PTY LTD


The ADHD Clinic PTY LTD 


​ABN: 83656011406
ACN: 656011406


112 Drummond Street North

Ballarat Central

Victoria 3350





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